Sitemap - 2021 - The Friday Letter

Reclaiming the culture: a national imperative

Hark now hear, the angels sing

This blustering is no laughing matter

The making of uncommon law

How they voted

No salvation for the Army

Time out from the madness

When cleaning house, don't forget the GOP

The decline of civic literacy

How they voted

Standing up to tyranny

Opportunity and obligation

Education without debate is no education

The story that won't go away

The FBI as tyranny's enforcer

The most urgent of the urgent

As the law crumbles

Did Woodward get it right for once?

State Department continues to obstruct relief

Time for We the People to stand tall

On the job with the GOP circular firing squad

Beck's 3-day haul: $20 million to rescue captives

Time for Tulsi

Biden's battalion of babbling buffoons

In the spirit of wokeness

The Left's head fake on Cuomo

'Hate speech engineering team': not from 1984

FBI: corrupt beyond salvation

Take the high road, but keep the zingers coming

Trump is Vance's real target

Dodging the Merrick Garland bullet

Onward Republican Christian soldiers!

Our declining rule of law

Masters of deception

Academia's long, sad, downward spiral

Trump lives rent-free in lefty heads

35 House Republicans cave

The Party of Trump lives on

The Party line: everything is race and climate

The consequences of elections

Celebration in Portland

The futility of boycotts

The good news bearers

Our support for reparations, explained

The Three Stooges meet Wynken, Blinken and Nod

Surprises that aren't: Joe's first presser

The withering last line of defense

When good men do nothing

Jim Crow's brazen return

More silliness from the nation's campi

News from the Ministry of Truth

Thanks, Mr. Trump, now get lost

In the news. . .

In the news . . .

In the news . . .

In the news . . .

Get ready for 'In the news . . .'

Takes on the stories you probably missed, with links